Novo Nordisk

Concept // Design Trainee opportunities at one of the worlds leading diabetes care companies Recruiting brochure giving information about trainee opportunities at Novo Nordisk A/S, one of the worlds leading diabetes care companies. The brochure was part of a larger recruiting campaign that included exhibition design, printed and digital materials.


Kampagne På jagt efter nye talenter Gennem en større rekrutteringskampagne skulle Coop opfylde målet om at ansætte flere trainee-elever end de tidligere år. Kampagnen blev udrullet i butikkerne landet over og strakte sig over en tre måneders lang periode.


Branding / Concept / Design  Insight into who Deloitte is – as a company and a social actor. Campaign / Design ChangeMaker The ChangeMaker campaign was a new initiative in the pursuit of attracting more accountants to the firm. Credits Thomas Bille: Graphic design Campaign / Project management Brand refresh A bold rebranding as a sign […]


Campaign ChangeMaker The ChangeMaker campaign was a new initiative in the pursuit of attracting more accountants to the firm.

Digital Agenda

Campaign / Brand identity The largest conference in Scandinavia on digital transformation A Deloitte survey reveals that 9 out of 10 business leaders expect their business area to be disrupted by the digital revolution in the near future. A successful digital transformation involves reinventing your business, transforming customer engagement, optimising processes and enabling your […]